Having a new puppy is a time of great excitement. After all the months of dreaming, puppy planning and preparation, you are bringing home a new family member who is going to be in your life for upwards of twelve years. But there are a few things you need to know when getting a puppy, so that the both of you can have the best start at a life together.
You will no doubt have spent time thinking about your new arrival and how to turn them into the dog of your dreams – but just for a moment, stop and think how you can become the owner your puppy would choose. We want our dogs to be our best friends, and us to be theirs. But because we speak a different language it can be difficult to understand what they are trying to tell us.
So, here are a few things to know when getting a puppy.
What is my puppy trying to tell me?
When you get your puppy home, and you start your life together, there are a few things along the way, that you need to understand a learn from your puppy. Here are just a few things that your puppy may wished you knew - if only they could talk!
1. My Family
“Have you seen my mum? Isn’t she awesome? Now you’ve met her, you know that I’ve been well-bred, kept in the home with her and my siblings – and inherited some of her fabulous temperament. Even better, you know what breed she is – and know who my dad was too. That means you’ll already know what I am going to grow into, what games I am going to love to play, how much exercise I need, what things I really need to do to be happy and healthy, what I will be good at – and what I might need more help with.”
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